Could our planet hold its own wallet?
As far as we know, it doesn’t.
Our mother earth, however, stores an immense amount of value within its abundant natural assets – and therefore it could be seen as a wallet in itself.
Digital wallets usually have the characteristics of safety, not allowing access to anyone without a security key.
But our planet’s natural assets have been free to use by humans without any constraints.
Greed and the urge of getting as comfortable as possible have led to the fact that humanity has managed to exploit the earth to such an extent that rainforests are burning, coral reefs are dying and massive areas of land are turning into deserts.
So, no, the earth certainly does not seem to have a secure wallet.
With that, it is of true disadvantage in comparison to humanity that was fortunate enough to come across decentralized ledger technology.
DLT allowed earning and securing immense wealth whilst bringing opportunities to people that have been less fortunate thus far. Cryptocurrency seems to have the chance to turn the world upside down, despite blockchain technology still being in its infancy.
But that does not keep us from providing a simple solution for the security issue our planet has:
We can use the simple model of reflective tokens & tax fortunate humans on a transaction and redistribute this percentage to an impact wallet.
This wallet will not exactly belong to the planet, but we will make sure to use the funds inside to restore the planet’s natural assets in the most sustainable way by looking for transparent and community-based impact partners.
It is an easy model for now, but until the community comes up with better ideas, we will use the chance at hand to bring earth back to its glory.